our nursery:

Directions how to get to Kakteen-Haage are here.

Our nursery´s opening hours are

Monday to Friday 7 am til 6 pm, and Saturdays 10 am til 3 pm.

In winter (November through February), we open at 8 am and close at 4 pm Monday to Friday, Saturdays 10 am til 3 pm.



The Kakteen-Haage catalogue is being published bi-annually in April/May and October/November, and available to download from our website.

You can use the form in the catalogue to order, or purchase all our products in our online shop. Our terms of service (German only) are here.


International Orders

Yes, we ship internationally to the EU and overseas on a regular basis.

Please understand, all overseas orders travels on your risk.

If you order from the US, please note:

Permits are required for the importation into the U.S. and transit through the U.S. of regulated plants and plant products for consumption or propagation. We provide you with a plant health permit, that you to attach to your application.

All necessary information is provided on the USDA website, including policies, forms etc. You would either have to apply for a general permit, or one for endangered species that are on the CITES-list.



1. Abbreviations in text:

w. This article is subject to availability and sold fast, maybe sold out already.
es. Well tasting plants or fruits – tested by Kakteen-Haage culinary cactus-dinner
§ These plants are subject to CITES, additional documents required for export outside EC – which may take several months and additional costs (up to 100 Euro)
NEU. This article is NEW or has not been available for a long time
~ This plant is of special interest for “Insiders”, difficult to get or hardly subject to cultivation
H. hight of the plant in Centimeters (excluding pot)
dM we measure the diameter of the plant at the widest extension (excluding spines)
VE these plants are grafted, as it does not easy or is difficult to keep on its own roots
*1 Frost hardy cacti <BR>*1 down to -20°C<BR>(for a better orientation we have mentioned the minimum temperature of their natural habitats), more information below …

2. Frost hardy cacti and succulents
We tried to classify our plants. Keep in mind: the temperatures are information from natural habitat of the plants, and not necessarily guaranteed.

*1 below -20°C
*2 to -20°C
*3 to -15°C
*4 to 0°C mild climates
^ we suggest raincover (from class 3)

3. Abbreviations in seeds:
Behind a / are older, species-or genus name, which are according to the current nomenclature of David R Hunt is no longer valid. We kept these old names to have a better understanding.

Usually you will find 20 seeds in one packet, unless marked as follows:

#    – 10 seeds

## – 5 seeds
!!     – 1 seed

100 seed-packets contains always 100 seeds 🙂